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What the December pandemic bill does for freelancers

Let me know about articles I've overlooked (in holiday haste):


Buried in Pandemic Aid Bill: Billions to Soothe the Richest (Luke Broadwater, Jesse Drucker and Rebecca R. Ruiz, NY Times, 12-22-2020) The voluminous coronavirus relief and spending bill that blasted through Congress on Monday includes provisions — good, bad and just plain strange — that few lawmakers got to read.
The Second Stimulus Package: Here’s What’s Included (Zach Montague, NY Times, 12-22-2020) Smaller stimulus checks, targeted aid for small businesses, and funding to buy and distribute vaccines are among the main components of the latest pandemic relief package.
Relief Deal Would Give Small Businesses a Shot at a Second Loan (Stacy Cowley, NY Times, 12-21-2020) The stimulus package being negotiated in Washington includes $285 billion for a renewed Paycheck Protection Program.
Rental protections, nursing home funding, food stamps: Here’s what’s included in the stimulus bill. (Zach Montague, NY Times, 12-23-2020) Smaller stimulus checks, targeted aid for small businesses, and funding to buy and distribute vaccines are among the main components of the latest pandemic relief package.
What the latest coronavirus relief package does for freelancers (Freelancers Union, 12-21-2020) Congress passed a $900 billion coronavirus relief package. Here's what it contains.
How the new relief bill will affect your taxes (Jonathan Medows, Freelancers Union, 12-22-2020) The financial and tax implications of the latest COVID-19 relief bill.

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